Finally made it!
My student at school invited me to his ice hockey games again at Hiroshima Big Wave.
It was the biggest one around the season, so all of the players were just so awesome! They played SO fast! I couldn't keep my eyes away from them.
Finally I witnessed my boy shooing a successful goal just before me!
♪What an amazing feeling coming through.....
I have been all alone, never talking anyone, stayed away from iPhone since I saw his goal, because it just prevents me from doing so...
I have been so impressed... I only use my iPhone to communicate with him, no one else for today;
"We couldn't win today, but the games were so special, " he wrote to me, I replied,
"I have crushed on your goal, I don't care if you won or not... Huge & special thanks..."
His team plays semi-final tomorrow, so I'll hit the sack now!